Volumen 7/ N°1-2 / 1991


Sergio Donoso C.
Harald Schmidt van M.


Se realiza un estudio de crecimiento de la regeneración de Araucaria (Araucaria araucana K. Koch) en bosques con tratamientos silvícolas. Las parcelas, fueron intervenidas los años 1976 y 1982, y presentan distintos grados de intervención sobre el dosel arbóreo expresado en área basal.

:: 1 parcela testigo.
:: 2 parcelas de corta selectiva con área basal final de 60m2/ha.
:: 2 parcelas de corta selectiva con área basal final de 30m2/ha.

En cada parcela, se analizaron plantas de regeneración inicial de 3 a 8 años de edad y regeneración avanzada de edad superior a 30 años.

El crecimiento en altura de la regeneración inicial varía entre 2.9 y 3.65 cm/año, y no presenta diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos. Esto se debería el efecto homogeneizador que produce el sotobosque y a las características propias del desarrollo inicial de la planta. El crecimiento de la regeneración avanzada, varía entre 1.86 y 4.46 cm/año y presenta diferencias significativas en función de la cobertura del dosel arbóreo, superando el crecimiento de la parcela testigo en porcentajes que van de 82% a 140% en altura.



This study analized the growth of the regeneration of Araucaria araucana K. Koch. The forest were slightly harvested in 1976 and treated in 1982. The different treatment over crown cover are:

:: Control (one sample)
:: Selectively harvest with final basal area of 60 m2/ha (two example)
:: Selectively harvest with final basal area of 30 m2/ha (two example)

In each parcel, two types of samples were taken. The first consisted of initial regeneration which varied from 3 to 8 years of age. The second was composed of advanced regeneration up to 30 years of age and up to 2.5 m in height.

The initial regeneration that emerged after the harvesting process undertaken in 1982 with increased from 2.99 to 3.65 cm/yr did not show significant differences in height growth among treatments. This resulted from the homogenous conditions imposed by the stand understory in addition to particular plant characteristics which influence initial plant development.

Significant differences existed in the height growth of the more advanced regeneration which was present at the time of harvesting. Moreover, the height growth increased from 1.86 to 4.46 cm/yr, was found to be correlated with stand basal area. The parcels which received treatments showed increasas in height growth from 82% - 140% in comparison with the control stands.